
The traditions of Danish culture meet the craftsmanship of Ecuador.

We started this company as a family venture, our Ecuadorian and Danish roots merging to create a style uniquely our own. Creating beautifully designed, cozy comforts for your home is our heritage.

At Ecuadane, we are the sum of our heritage, the people we cherish, and the things that we’ve done.


The look and feel of a premium blanket, but washable, durable, and with a lifetime guarantee.

For the artistans we partner with in Ecuador, creating a blanket is about much more than a particular textile or specific design. Blankets are a necessity for life in Ecuadorian culture. And at Ecuadane, we agree.


Inspired by traditions of the past, our blankets are designed to bring people and their families closer together and their performance attributes will make the blankets and memories created while wrapped in them last a lifetime.