We’re happy to offer a 30 day return policy/satisfaction guarantee. If, for whatever reason you aren’t happy, we’re happy to exchange or refund your purchase. Please ship back your unused blanket in the original packaging. Allow 2 weeks for the refund to appear in your account after we have received the blanket. To return an item, please complete the return request form below. Sorry, we cannot cover return shipping on international returns at this time.
We want you to be 100% happy with your blanket, so we offer free exchanges (minus the shipping) of unused blankets in the original packaging within 30 days of purchase.
To exchange an item, please complete the below return request form with your order number, what item you are exchanging and what new item you would like. Your new blanket will ship out once your original purchased is sent back. Sorry, we cannot cover return shipping on international returns at this time.
Europe: We offer 50% discount ground shipping on all orders within Europe.
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